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hrc fuse
Technique sharing

What is HRC Fuse?

Definition HRC fuses, known as High Rapturing Capacity, are vital in electrical systems. They prevent catastrophic damage caused by excessive current. Fuses contain a fusible

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Technique sharing

Symbols and Letter code of Fuse

Fuse symbols and letter code are common symbols and code used in electrical engineering to indicate the type and characteristics of fuses. In this paper, the fuse symbols and letter codes will be elaborated from various aspects.

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Blade Fuse
Technique sharing

How to choose the type of blade fuse

To select the type of blade fuse, we usually determine the load type first, and select the fast-acting fuse or slow-acting fuse according to the load type. After determining the type of fuse, we will select the appropriate fuse model according to the actual usage, such as the installation environment, the existing fuse material system, and the size of the demanded fuse capacity.

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Technique sharing

What does a fuse do? How does it work?

the function of a fuse is to automatically cut off the power supply when the current in the circuit exceeds a set value, preventing overloading, short-circuiting, malfunctioning and equipment damage.

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