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Ceramic fuse
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Explosion-proof fuses

An explosion-proof fuse is a fuse that does not explode or burn on the basis of the fuse itself blowing to cut off the current. If an explosion-proof fuse is correctly placed in the circuit, the safety will be greatly improved.

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High-breakage fuses and low-breakage fuses

The breaking capacity of a fuse refers to the maximum current value under the rated voltage at which the fuse can safely break the circuit without breaking. Fuses can be categorized into high breaking capacity and low breaking capacity according to their breaking capacity.

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Breaking Capacity of Fuses

Fuse is a safety component that needs to be able to safely blow without damaging the surrounding circuit. Breaking capacity is one of the indicators to ensure that a fuse can safely break a circuit.

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The difference between glass fuses and ceramic fuses

Fuses are an indispensable component in electronic equipment and circuit protection. Among them, glass fuses and ceramic fuses, as two common types of fuses, each have unique characteristics and application scenarios. Next, let’s understand the difference between the two.

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Types of Thermal Fuses

Thermal fuses, also called thermal cutoffs, are temperature-sensing circuit cutoff devices. Thermal fuses can sense the overheating generated in the abnormal operation of electrical and electronic products, and thus cut off the circuit to avoid the occurrence of fire.

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