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The place to install a fuse in circuits

Fuses can play a role in the safety protection in the circuit, when the current in the circuit reaches the specified value of the fuse, the fuse will blow, so as to protect some important devices in the circuit.

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Structure of Semiconductor Fuses

Semiconductor fuse is a current protection device mainly used to limit high current and protect sensitive semiconductor components such as thyristors, power supplies, SCRs, rectifiers, diodes and so on.

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glass fuse
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How to select Miniature Fuses

With the development of the electronics industry, especially the microelectronics industry, miniature fast fuses for circuit protection have been more and more widely used.

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Common causes of blown fuses and fuse failure solutions

A fuse is a protective device that protects electronic equipment from overcurrents of electricity and from serious injury caused by internal malfunctions. Therefore, each fuse has a rating specification, and the fuse will blow when the current exceeds the rating specification. The essence of fuse blowing: the current flows through the fuse to heat up the fuse, if the heat can not be dissipated in time, the fuse continues to heat up to reach the melting point after melting and disconnecting.

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Blade Fuse
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How to replace Car Fuses?

Car fuses are widely used in cars, trucks, buses, and off-road transportation equipment and are essential electronic devices in automotive circuits. In vehicles, the role of automotive fuses is to protect the circuit (wiring) and electrical equipment. When the car fuse is bad, how do we follow the replacement? First we need to understand the location of the car fuse.

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Blade Fuse
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Types of automotive fuses

The conductor inside the chip fuse is made of a solder-like metal that has a lower melting point than the regular wire itself. The size of this conductor is calibrated very precisely so that when the rated current is reached, enough heat is generated to fuse the conductor and break the circuit. Fuses have two important operating parameters, one is the operating voltage and the other is the current rating, and the owner should choose one based on the voltage and current in the circuit when purchasing or replacing it.

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hrc fuse
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Parameters to consider when selecting high voltage fuses

High-voltage fuses are current-sensitive devices that protect electrical equipment in circuits by blowing when short-circuit or overload currents are passed. It can be used to protect lines, transformers, motors and voltage transformers in small capacity installations from 3KV to 35KV. It is usually installed on the high voltage side of the distribution transformer or the distribution branch line.

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