
What are the types of fuse holders

A fuse holder is an electrical component used for installing fuses, and its main function is to fix and conduct electricity. Fuse holder can be divided into a variety of types according to different classification criteria, these types have their own characteristics and application scenarios, this article will introduce the classification and role of the fuse holder, and combined with specific examples and data to elaborate. First, according to the wiring mode classification
FWH-600A holder

1.According to the wiring of the fuse holder

It can be divided into three types: pin type, screw type and welding type.

Pin type fuse holder

Pin fuse holder is one of the most commonly used fuse holders, which has the advantages of easy installation, good replaceability, stable conductivity and so on, so it is widely used in various electronic devices and circuits. Pin type fuse holders are generally made of copper alloy, brass and other materials, with good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Pin Fuseholders are commonly used in high frequency circuits, such as car stereos, televisions, computer monitors and other equipment.

Screw Type Fuseholders

Screw type fuse holders are a type of fuse holders that fix fuses by rotating screws, and are characterised by good fixing and high reliability. Screw type fuse holders are generally made of brass, stainless steel and other materials, with good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Screw type fuse holders are commonly used in high power, high voltage circuits, such as welding machines, industrial control equipment.

Welded Fuseholders

Welded fuse holders are a type of fuse holders where the fuse is fixed by welding and are characterised by small size and high reliability. Welded fuse holders are generally made of copper alloy, metal compounds and other materials, with good electrical conductivity and high temperature resistance. Soldered fuse holders are commonly used in circuits in high temperature environments, such as electric heaters and ovens.

2.According to the appearance of the form classification

According to the appearance form of the fuse holder, it can be classified into straight-inserted, side-inserted, plate-type and other types.

In-line fuse holder

The inline fuse holder is one of the most common fuse holders, which has a simple structure and is easy to install. The interface of inline fuse holders generally adopts 2.54mm pitch, which is convenient to connect with other circuit boards. In-line fuse holders are generally made of nylon, polyamide and other materials, with good heat and corrosion resistance. In-line fuse holders are commonly used in various electronic devices and circuits.

Side Insert Fuseholders

Side-insertion fuseholders are easy-to-install, low-space fuseholders that are commonly used in electronic equipment where space is at a premium. The housing of side-loading fuse holders is generally made of stainless steel, brass and other materials, with good heat resistance and corrosion resistance.

Board type fuse holders

Board type fuse holders are a kind of fuse holders with board type structure, which are commonly used in automotive, industrial control and other fields. The shell of plate fuse holder is generally made of stainless steel, aluminium alloy and other materials, with good corrosion resistance and heat resistance.

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