
What is Fast Acting Fuse

Fast acting fuse is a type of fuse that is mainly used for short circuit protection of semiconductor rectifier elements or rectifier devices. Due to the low overload capacity of semiconductor components, can only withstand a large overload current in a very short period of time, so the short-circuit protection is required to have the ability to fuse quickly. Fast acting fuse and packed closed fuse structure is basically the same, but the melt material and shape is different. The melt of the fast acting fuse is silver, with a V-shaped deep groove of the variable cross-section.

Fast acting fuse is a type of fuse that is mainly used for short circuit protection of semiconductor rectifier elements or rectifier devices. Due to the low overload capacity of semiconductor components, can only withstand a large overload current in a very short period of time, so the short-circuit protection is required to have the ability to fuse quickly. Fast acting fuse and packed closed fuse structure is basically the same, but the melt material and shape is different. The melt of the fast acting fuse is silver, with a V-shaped deep groove of the variable cross-section.

fast acting fuse

How Fast Acting Fuses Work

In addition to a certain shape of the wire, the fuse of the fast acting fuse will be dotted with some kind of material on it, which is designed to make the fuse disconnect quickly in case of overload.

The main feature of the fast acting fuse is “fast”, which means high sensitivity, when the circuit current is overloaded, the fuse will heat up quickly under the action of the welding point, and the fuse will be disconnected quickly. The efficiency of a good fast fuse is quite high, and it is mainly used to protect SCRs and some electronic power components.

Construction of Fast Acting Fuses

The fuse consists of six parts: magnetic shell, conductive plate, fuse, quartz sand, arc extinguisher, and indicator. The melt is made of pure silver, shaped as a rectangular sheet, and has a round hole with a narrow neck.

When to use fast Acting fuses

Fast acting fuses are the most common type of fuse. They are used in household appliances which are very sensitive to changes in current and therefore need a safety device that can handle this. When a short circuit occurs, these fuses sense the surge in current and save the electronic circuit. Fast blowing fuses must be used in purely resistive circuits with little or no surge, or circuits that need to protect integrated circuits and other sensitive components.

On the other hand, slow blow fuses are typically used in motors and fluorescent lamps. These devices are energized at a high voltage, which is reduced and regulated during normal use. Therefore, they require fuses that can handle this instantaneous burst of power and then adjust as needed.

It is important to understand the difference between a slow blow and a fast acting fuse if the fuse is to be used in a practical application. There should be a sticker or raised lettering on the fuse that identifies which type of fuse it is. If it does not, you can look at the filaments inside the fused glass tube. Fast blow fuses have a thinner filament, while slow blow fuses have a thicker filament with a small spring at one end.

Fast acting fuses are mainly used for short circuit protection of semiconductor rectifier elements or rectifiers. Since the overload capacity of semiconductor elements is very low. They can only withstand large overload currents for a very short period of time, and therefore require short-circuit protection with the ability to fuse quickly.

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