
What to do after a fuse blows

Fuse is burned out to deal with in a timely manner, first of all, we must find the reason why the fuse is burned out, and then deal with it:

The purpose of a fuse is to protect the circuit, and when a fuse blows, the circuit is cut off and the appliances in your home cannot be used. There are numerous reasons why a fuse may blow, either because of a short-circuit fault in the circuit, or because of too much power usage, or because of the quality of the fuse itself. When a fuse blows, the first step is to identify the cause of the malfunction and then replace it.

First, the fuse is blown how to do

Fuse is burned out to deal with in a timely manner, first of all, we must find the reason why the fuse is burned out, and then deal with it:
1,If the home electricity line (socket) short-circuit failure, the first thing to do is to eliminate the fault, and then replace the new fuse.
2,If it is caused by overloading electricity, you need to replace the fuse with a new one and pay attention to reduce the number of household appliances used at the same time, especially high-power household appliances.
3,If the fuse is blown due to quality problems, replace it with a new good quality fuse.

How to replace the fuse

1,Push down the gate knife to ensure that the power off.
2,Ready to meet the specifications of the fuse.
3,Unscrew the screws to be connected, do not need to unscrew down, to ensure that the thickness of a fuse can be.
4,the fuse is connected, and then screwed to fix, the fuse is replaced.

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